ALL the misconstrued, mis- interpreted, twisting - of - Scripture, demonic church doctrines Satan has hoodwinked the people of planet Earth with for the past almost 2,000 years, BY FAR the most damnable one (meaning, has helped send the most people to hell!) is this … if you simply believe in the story of what Jesus did (that he died and rose again) you will absolutely, positively go to heaven when you die. Satan has cleverly duped today’s religion of “Christianity” with this massive fraud, and it seems everywhere I turn today (radio, TV, YouTube, Facebook, funerals, emails, etc) I continually hear this Satanic lie repeated over and over again by ignorant people. And I can honestly say
NOTHING on this Earth gets my blood boiling more than witnessing these people (who think they are fronting as God’s spokesmen, helping others make it into heaven) speak these lies, for I know they are really helping my fellow human beings (who I dearly love) wind up in hell!
So how did Satan concoct this deceitful doctrine? What Scriptures was he able to twist and wrest to invent it? What Scriptures does he desperately try to keep hidden to keep this lie going? And how can people be so ignorant (fyi, “ignorant” means: to ignore something) of the Scriptures in God’s Holy Word to actually want to spread this sham? Furthermore, how can they cast aside all manner of salvational logic and reason, sweeping under the rug the millions of people who have lived and died on this Earth (before and after Christ died on the cross!) having never gotten a chance to hear the story of Jesus, by just saying, “
Oh, well, they are a different group of people. God will decide their fate for different reasons. Just forget about that! Don’t think about that!” Ugh, are you kidding me! So, are they saying God isn't fair, on an issue of ETERNAL importance? Wow, the audacity!
This morning I just read the following comment written on a Facebook religious page: “
God could never accept false religion, only Jesus Christ died for you and rose from the grave taking your rightful place in death, accept this and you are saved, reject it … then your future is a burning dung heap!” Hear what they think is the ‘bottom line’ for going to heaven? Hear their hatred towards other religions? Disgusting! A few weeks ago at the famous country music singer George Jones’ funeral I listened to his preacher eulogize: “
I asked George on his death bed, ‘George, you do believe God sent His son Jesus into the world and that he died for your sins and rose again?’” The point was again crystal clear … this preacher thought the ‘bottom line’ to making sure George made it to heaven was whether or not he believed this story about Jesus! Uggh, I almost vomited right there in my
Nashville, Tennessee Opry House seat!
In recent months I continue to come across YouTube videos of people fully convinced this satanic lie is the truth, doing their best to spread it far and wide through the internet. (Two of these stomach-turning videos are linked below.) In churches people give their hard earned tithe money to missions, helping send out people into the world to spread this evil lie. It is sick, for sure! It is repulsive, no doubt! But I reckon this HUGE lie will endure on Earth until Jesus returns in about 15 years. On the other hand, if you truly want to be sure you make heaven, understanding
ALL of God’s Word concerning salvation (how to obtain eternal life) please read the book I wrote “
Undeniable Biblical Proof Jesus Christ Will Return To Planet Earth Exactly 2,000 Years After The Year of His Death” or visit the websites:
UndeniableBiblicalProof.com or
(Warning: The Biblical confusion in the following links is dangerous!)
comment by Lu La'bell, April 28 8:37am on "God" page.
YouTube video: "
Vain Striving After the 10 Commandments ENDS in HELL"
YouTube video: "
Keeping the Ten Commandments WON'T save you"
Bless your spiritual & Biblical understanding,
Approximately 797 Weeks (Sabbaths) Remaining Till Christ's Return!