Most people think “hate” is the polar opposite of "love", but this is not true … it is pride! “Hate” is only ONE of the manifestations (or fruits) of pride, for ‘hate’ is disobedience to the 6th Love Commandment “Thou shalt not murder (hate) your brother, but thou shalt forgive”. Listen, when you hate someone it is usually because you feel they mistreated you. And you think in your heart “They’re not going to get away with treating me like that!” or “How dare they talk to me like that!” or whatever. But do you hear what’s behind those statements? It’s your own PRIDE! See, it’s selfishness that does not allow a person to forgive their brother, keeping them from being able to love (obey the 6th love commandment). It is a powerful thing to understand 'pride' & 'love' are polar opposites, for it then allows us to fully grasp what we are ALL fighting in our lives (our own pride!), which will hopefully help us get victory over it (and it's evil fruit of sin) in order to be able to bear the “good fruit of love” and lay hold on eternal life.
As I was making the 'Bearing Fruit' video, I received a Christian Fishwrapper magazine in the mail. (My mom signed me up for its subscription only months earlier.) A few days before uploading the video I saw the November 2010 issue lying on my living room floor while heading out to do laundry; so I grabbed it for some reading material. Well, I just shook my head in amazement (having experienced many little miraculous God-winks in my life) as I noticed the title to the mag's editorial article as I sat down to read at the laundry mat “A Tree with a Rotten Core?” For the past two weeks, I had worked extensively in Microsoft Paint creating two trees to visually show people how a ‘Good tree’ is rooted in love and a “Bad tree’ is rooted in pride. And here now was a Christian article with a title like that for me to read only days before I would upload my video!
To fully grasp the ‘coolness’ of this miracle please watch my “Bearing Fruit” video linked at the end of this blog, and then consider these excerpts I was reading from the Fishwrapper article:
“The strength of a tree is found in its inner core and root system. When that core is infected and left untreated the tree will rot and eventually fall. Nutrients are absorbed through the root system of the tree and flow up the trunk and out through the branches into the leaves. When the tree receives good nourishment it is healthy and produces fruit.”
“Christianity is (supposed to be) a faith that … holds true to its core principles of love, kindness, humility … It doesn’t force its way. It shows kindness instead of retaliation. It shows servitude instead of superiority. True Christianity wins its followers by going the second mile and by turning the other cheek.”
AMAZING! Friend, I promise you with all my heart … God has called me to deliver a message to this world. If you have not yet read the book He asked me to write, I humbly urge you to go to its website at UndeniableBiblicalProof.com and start reading. Everything is there for free to learn! Without a doubt, it’s one of the most important things you could do for your soul in this coming year 2012.
Watch the video here: “What does ‘Bearing Fruit’ mean?”
Happy Holidays,
Approximately 872 Weeks (Sabbaths) Remaining Till Christ's Return!
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