God created mankind's physical body with two major extremities – our feet and hands. These are our main points of physical contact with the outside world; as we walk here and there and grab and touch things, thousands of nerve endings in the feet and hands continually transmit motoric and sensory information about the outside world to our brain. Truly, we are wonderfully made!
But God’s physical design has a deeper meaning! Because His spiritual Law of Love is divided into 10 Truths, God also created our two feet and two hands to contain 10 toes and 10 fingers, respectively. And to confirm this physical/spiritual link, on
So what's with God’s 10 Love Commandments and reflexology? Well, not only are our physical feet and hands to be a picture of God’s spiritual law, but God also connected (wired) our feet and hands to every part of our physical body to say this … every thought our spirit thinks is connected to His 10 Love Commandments, meaning we cannot have a thought without it being either in obedience or disobedience to them. (Click foot image above to enlarge it, and notice how our brain is connected to our 10 toes!) God is forever teaching spiritual truths, through physical means!
Reflexology for Back Pain
Why 10 Fingers and 2 Hands?
Why 10 Toes and 2 Feet?
Happy Sabbath,
Approximately 781 Weeks (Sabbaths) Remaining Till Christ's Return!