The word “similitudes” was translated from the Hebrew word dāmâ meaning: to be like, liken, resemble. And the word “ministry” was translated from the Hebrew word yād meaning: hand, by extension: arm, finger; figure of control, power, strength, direction, care. In other words, God is saying, by His power and strength He directed and controlled the hand (lives) of His prophets so that certain circumstances in their lives would resemble (or be like) future events!
For instance, Moses “stretching out his arms” over the
Now, since these things God controlled were “prophetic resemblances” in these people’s lives, God deemed ALL these people as prophets! The writer of Hebrews confirms this by naming people like Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Joshua, Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, David, Samual, and then saying, “and all the other prophets” (Hebrews 11:32, Living Bible). It is only after one studies and fully understands the “prophetic events” in these people’s lives, that one can THEN fully understand the prophetic meaning behind the NUMBERS God attached to these events! And, only THEN, can one know the title of my book is Truth: “Jesus Christ Will Return to Planet Earth Exactly 2,000 Years After the Year of His Death”.
Click HERE, and learn God's similitudes of Jesus through Moses' life
Click HERE, and learn God's similitudes of Jesus through Samson's life
Click HERE, and learn God's similitudes of Jesus through Isaac's life
Click HERE, and learn God's similitudes of Jesus through Noah's life
Click HERE, and learn God's similitudes of Jesus through Joshua's life
Blessed Sabbath,
Approximately 764 Weeks (Sabbaths) Remaining Till Christ's Return!
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