Well, since AD 2008, I’ve known God’s 7 Creation Days EACH foretold of a future 1,000 year period on planet Earth for a complete master time plan of 7,000 years. But more than just that, the 7 Creation Days also EACH contained secret prophecy about the most important event to occur during that particular millennium. So, with this in mind, Creation Day 1’s words “and God divided the light from the darkness” foretold of the fall of mankind (Adam & Eve) in the Garden of Eden, during Earth’s 1st year, afterwhich good (light) and evil (dark) were separately discernable (divided) in their hearts!
Well, what about the fourth day of Creation? This is the day God created the “greater and lesser lights” (the sun and the moon) which foretold the coming of Jesus and John the Baptist, during the final 30 years or so of Earth’s fourth millennium leading up to Christ’s DEATH during year 4,000. Jesus was the true light, like the sun, and John the Baptist was a reflecting light, like the moon. John merely bore witness of Jesus’ light, just like the moon merely bears witness of the sun’s light!
But what about the phrase: “God set them (sun & moon) in the firmament to give light upon the earth … and to divide the light from the darkness” (Genesis 1:16-18). This spoke prophetically about the ministries of Jesus and John the Baptist – they lived, taught and preached what is right and what is wrong. In other words, they were sent to DIVIDE the light from the darkness! All of Jesus’ and John the Baptists' moral teachings were based on the 10 Love Commandments, for “obedience to them” is good (light) and “disobedience to them” is evil (dark). Yes, truly, Jesus and John were sent to "divide the light from the darkness", as are ALL true prophets of God!
Creation Day 1 "Light & Darkness"
Creation Day 2 "Water in Sky"
Creation Day 3 "Dry Land Appears"
Creation Day 4 "Sun & the Moon"
Creation Day 5 "Water of Life"
Creation Day 6 "Man Subdue Earth"
Creation Day 7 "Sabbath Rest"
Happy Spring Sabbath,
Approximately 756 Weeks (Sabbaths) Remaining Till Christ's Return!