The moment my eyes beheld my dad’s profiled face that Friday evening in 2005 was the moment my life would forever change. A willful wicked sinner, who had no desire for God or His Word, would be transformed into a servant of the Most High. Oh, I did not have ANY clue that night of God’s plans for my life (to deliver to me a stunning message into the true meaning of the Bible on Dec 8, 2007 and over the next several months the prophetic Biblical knowledge into the “timing” of Christ’s return, to ask me to quit my job in Feb of 2008 to write & publish a 400 page book on what He revealed to me, to learn how and create a website for the book in 2010, to create videos for YouTube to further help explain the message, and now this blog) or I probably would have passed out! But I sure know God’s plans now, for I have been faithfully doing them for the past 6 years.
A few years after my father died in 1992 I recorded my first album; it was Christian country and I had penned all 10 songs. Well, just recently God brought a song on that album to my attention to show me how He had secretly prophesied of His plans for my life way back then in the lyrics of that song! I was stunned (as He always does to me!) to have not seen this before, but here’s the lyrics to the song "New Man":
Verse I
The weekend had come and I was on the run
Looking to find me a date
I needed someone and I needed some fun
But instead I had a meeting with fate
As I went downtown just to look around
My eyes they fell on a church
And there was a sign hanging there from a pine
Saying, ‘Jesus can take away the hurt’
Verse II
Something from within seemed to draw me in
And I sat on the very last pew
People were singing and there were tambourines ringing
So I decided to join in too
It didn’t take long and I knew the song
And I was singing at the top of my lungs
Then Jesus came in and took away all my sins
And left me speaking in some foreign tongue
I found Jesus on a Friday night
Ever since then He’s changed my life
He took away the old man, He brought in the new
Ever since then life’s had a different view
Now I pray nearly all the time
Everything I do just seems to work out fine
He’s the best thing that ever happened to me
For once I was blind, but now I can see
Verse III
Soon I was teaching and spirit filled preaching
On stations on the radio
And people were believing and people were receiving
The message that I told
Next came the TV and people could see me
Crying, ‘Church give up your life!’
But I’ll never forget that night that I met
My Jesus on a Friday night
© 1994 Album "I Told You So"
Blessings to you in Christ Jesus,
P.S. And just for the record folks ... it ain't about me! God has done these miraculous things in my life just so YOU would have further reason and impetus to want to investigate and believe the message He has spoken through me.
Approximately 905 Weeks (Sabbaths) Remaining Till Christ's Return!
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