I said all of that to say this; many of you are flat-out scared to get to know God (Love). You are scared of what He (Love) might ask you to DO, or what He (Love) might ask you to give up! You do NOT want to “take up your cross” & “deny yourself”, crucifying your pride (selfish lifestyle) in order to “follow Christ” and his teachings of love. Truly, you’re scared of the cost! But I am here to warn you; you can keep running, you can keep sticking your fingers in your ears not wanting to hear, but none of that will make a difference on Judgment Day! This is your one big shot! This is it! This is your one chance to get it right! Do you hear me? THIS IS IT! And time is almost up! You’re either going to learn to love and reap eternal life, or you’re going to die in your foolish pride and reap eternal death! Are you scared of the brief cost to your flesh now in this life? Are you serious? You better be terrified of the eternal cost to your soul in hell! I’m begging you … don’t miss heaven!
Watch sister's "Few, very few will be ready when I come" video HERE.
Listen to song "It's Almost Time" HERE.
Enjoy the Sabbath,
Approximately 864 Weeks (Sabbaths) Remaining Till Christ's Return!
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